Editor:浙江海钛新材料科技股份有限公司 │ Release Time:2023-09-01 

On September 1, 2023, the ceremony for the successful production and compliance of the modified ADC foaming agent in the first phase of the Hytitan project was held in the company's third-floor conference room. According to the company's schedule, in the morning, the Environmental and Safety Department and the Production Department conducted a safety training session for all employees. Assistant General Manager Wu Chao provided arrangements for the trial production preparations in the expansion agent workshop. Additionally, Chen Senmiao, a representative from the Sales Department of HaiHong Fine Chemicals, gave on-site explanations regarding the quality of the trial production products and customer feedback, providing employees with a deeper understanding of product characteristics, quality requirements, and applications.


In the afternoon, a special visit was made by the Chairman of HaiHong Group, Chen Haixian, General Manager Chen Hanzhi, and Finance Director Zheng Junxu to Jiaxing Zhapu to participate in the event celebrating the achievement of standards and production targets for the modified ADC foaming agent in the first phase of the Hytitan project.

The General Manager of the company, Cao Jiapei, introduced that since the start of trial production on January 16, 2023, through continuous adjustments, optimizations, and improvements such as the replacement of manual labor with machines in the packaging process, by the end of August, the production capacity of the modified ADC foaming agent had continuously met the design requirements for 15 days, and the product quality also met the standards, fulfilling the group company's requirements for achieving standards and production targets.


Subsequently, the company recognized and rewarded the outstanding teams and individuals who performed exceptionally well during the trial production period. Chairman Chen Long, Group General Manager Chen Hanzhi, and Group Chairman Chen Haixian each delivered important speeches, putting forward new requirements for Hytitan Company and expressing hopes that the expansion agent project will achieve trial production and production targets as soon as possible.

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