Editor:浙江海钛新材料科技股份有限公司 │ Release Time:2021-01-09 

In 2021, as the COVID-19 pandemic persisted, various epidemic prevention and control measures were continuously implemented across the country, significantly impacting the construction progress of the Hytitan project. Due to the closure of expressways, construction materials could not arrive on time. Incoming personnel were required to provide negative nucleic acid test results within 48 hours, or even 24 hours, and those with yellow or red health codes risked being denied entry into the industrial park. Some colleagues experienced prolonged lockdowns, lasting up to a month, due to outbreaks in the neighborhoods where they resided.


Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, we persisted in working tirelessly at the forefront of the project. Fortunately, both construction personnel and on-site project team members remained free from COVID-19 infection. The construction project did not come to a standstill, reflecting our commitment to overcoming obstacles and ensuring the project's continued advancement.

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