Development of ADC Foaming Agent

Editor:Zhejiang Hytitan New Material Technology Co., Ltd. │ Release Time:2024-08-14 

AC/ADC foaming agent is a traditional chemical blowing agent. Since its invention in the mid-20th century, it has experienced continuous technological progress and market demand, which has gradually developed from a basic chemical material to an indispensable part of modern industry.

In this article, we will introduce the development of blowing agent AC/ADC in detail, and discuss its technical optimization, environmental improvement, and future trends.

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Early Discovery and Chemical Foundation (1950s-1960s)

Chemical Synthesis and Initial Application

ADC foaming agent, with the chemical formula C₂H4O₂N4, was first invented in the 1950s under the cooperation of several research teams and chemical companies. It began as a nitrogen-containing organic compound. Early studies found that when heated, gas released from ADC blowing agent could generate large amounts of foam, so it was quickly adopted to foam rubber and plastic products.

Initial Commercial Adoptions

Blowing agent AC/ADC was first used commercially in the late 1950s. These products included shoe soles, gaskets, and foam rubber sheets. Soon, it became popular with rubber manufacturers due to its low decomposition temperature and little effect on the physical performance of material rubber. Though limited, early applications laid the foundation for later wide use.

Technological Optimization and Industrial Expansion (1970s-1980s)

Control of Decomposition Temperature and Gas Release

Stepping into the 1970s, with the development of material science, the industry showed higher requirements for the blowing agent AC/ADC. Research in this period focused on how to precisely control the decomposition temperature and gas release rate to adapt to different techniques. Through chemical modification and additive technology, scientists have successfully adjusted the decomposition temperature.

Expanding Applications

The application of bowing agent AC/ADC has expanded from rubber to a wide range of thermoplastics, such as PE, PP, PVC, and EVA. These plastics can form lightweight, porous foam structures by adding it during production. The widespread use of AC/ADC blowing agent not only significantly reduces the density of the material, but also improves the insulation and cushioning properties of the product.

Growing Global Market

Under industrial globalization, the demand for blowing agent AC/ADC is growing rapidly. Especially in Asia, its use in plastics has become more common with the rise of the electronics and household appliance industries. By now, it has become a standard industrial blowing agent and can be found in almost all foamed plastics.

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Environmental and Safety Improvements (1990s to early 2000s)

Environmental and Health Concerns

As environmental awareness grew globally in the 1990s, the safety and environmental impacts of chemical products became a public concern. The decomposition products of AC/ADC foaming agent, including N₂ and CO, were recognized as potentially risky to the environment and our health. In addition, VOC that may be generated during the use has also attracted the attention of environmental organizations and regulatory agencies.

Green Improvements and Safety Measures

In response to these challenges, manufacturers and organizations have begun to improve the chemical formulation and production process. Some researchers have focused on reducing the amount of harmful gases released during decomposition, while others have created low-VOC formulations. New manufacturing process also includes stricter waste disposal and emission controls to minimize environmental impact. At the same time, companies have enhanced safety training for workers and introduced stricter storage and transportation specifications to ensure safety.

Regulatory Impact and Market Adjustment

Some countries and regions, such as the European Union and the U.S., have increased regulation of chemical products, requiring manufacturers to follow rigorous environmental and safety standards. This series of regulations has prompted the blowing agent market to adjust accordingly. Green products have gradually taken over the market mainstream. Many companies have launched products that meet the new standards through R&D and technological upgrades, ensuring sustainable development.

Contemporary Developments and Future Trends (21st century to the present)

Exploration of New Materials and Applications

As we enter the 21st century, the application of AC/ADC blowing agent continues to expand. Particularly, it is becoming increasingly important in areas such as construction materials, automotive lightweight components, and electronic devices. It is not only used in traditional plastic and rubber foaming but also in the manufacture of new composite materials and nanomaterials. For example, in the automotive industry, lightweight foams can significantly reduce the weight of vehicles, thereby improving fuel efficiency and reducing CO₂ emissions.

Research on Bio-based and Biodegradable Blowing Agents

Driven by the trend toward sustainability, researchers are beginning to explore bio-based and degradable blowing agents as alternatives. These new blowing agents utilize raw materials from renewable resources and can degrade naturally after use, reducing the long-term impact on the environment.

Efficient and Clean Technology

Contemporary industrial production is more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly. For AC/ADC foaming agent, researchers are developing more efficient processes to reduce energy consumption and waste emissions. Meanwhile, the application of catalyst technology and continuous reactors makes the production of ADC more controllable. These technological advances not only improve production efficiency but also reduce production costs.

Global Market and Competitive Landscape

Currently, the market for blowing agent AC/ADC is globalized. China and India have gradually become the main production and consumption markets. At the same time, with the improvement of environmental protection requirements, the European and American markets are increasing the demand for high-standard environmentally friendly products, which promotes technical innovation and market segmentation.


The history of the AC/ADC blowing agent epitomizes the progress of modern chemical industry and material science. With the increasing awareness of environmental protection and the development of new material technologies, blowing agent AC/ADC will continue to evolve in the future, moving towards greater efficiency, environmental protection, and safety.

Know more at:

What Is ADC Foaming Agent?

Advantages of ADC Foaming Agent

Comparison between ADC/AC Foaming Agent and Its Rivals

How Is Blowing Agent AC/ADC Made?

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